Mon 06 Jan
[100ReaL!] :★:▄▀-- 5'2 110lbs 34C-:¦:- -- ▀▄▀:★: --SWEET & SeXY-- ★Upscale_ Hottie_★BIANCA_ :★: - 21
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
**M_E_R_C_E_D_E_S__ I_N__ B_U_E_N_A__ P_A_R_K** {SPECIALS} - 23
(Fullerton, Beuna Park near Knotts Berry)
[[ ¡'M  ßÂDD G¡®L... ]] * {{ §Ø GØØD ¡'LL HÂV U }} * [[ §PÂK¡NG ¡N ØNGU§!! ]] *6O - 21
(Orange County, 405&HARBOR; 916-420-6337 SAM)
Friday Nite Fun... White Girl Latina Mix- i look like your babysitter (; Visiting Irvine - 21
SuPeR SPeCiaL!!! SEXy Busty BRuNeTTe BoMBSheLL Ready 2 ToTaLLy SaTiSfy YOu!!! - 23
(i35&51st IN/OUT)
Si hablo Espanol💟👑💟👑💟 UpsCaLe ✨✨✨ LatiiNa 💟👑💟👑💟 Ready Now!!! Call Me!!! - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Pecos, m.h,f.s,andrews)
🍵🍥 Sաɛɛt ʋaռɨʟʟa Lattɛ 🍥🍵 🔙 ɨռ ʍɨɖʟaռɖ - 23
(Midland / Odessa, midland in/out & surrounding areas 🍥)
•❤• ~*~*~*~* •❤• ~*~ •❤• seXXy N sEduCtiVE •❤• BruNeTtE BomBshELL!! •❤• ~*~ •❤• ~*~*~*~* •❤• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ 338 LOOP/ JBS)
____ P l e a s u r e _ _ _ _ _ _ IS _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YOURS !!!!! - 24
(Midland / Odessa, odessa iincalls)
~*~* No Need To Dream Any Longer --> [[[I'm Your Dream Come True]]] Available **Any **Time ~*~* - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Your Place Or Mine)
(SEXY 2 /for/ 1 SPECIALS) (165/ BOTH) *last minute* 2 *GIRLS* /for/ 165) *SEXY* BODY* 34'DD 's - 24
(Austin, South)
Independent With No Limits!!! Speak Directly With Me!!! BUSTY All NATURAL GFE +++ On NOW!!! +++ - 21
(i-35 and North and 290)
Looking for passionate, genuine and the best mouth piece in town?STOp Here!!!Real Pics! Call or TXT - 33
(Austin, Parmer & Metric ~ (N. Austin) or to YOU!)
👠👠 HOT ASIAN girls 👠👠 wear LINGERIE 👙👙👙 available NOW 🍌🍌🍌 714-443-8518 🍭👅🍭👅 - 21
(Orange County, 13061 Kerry street , garden grove CA)
💎😍🔥🍌 ——[[ GoRGeouS WHITE]] ———— [[ SEeExXY ]] ———— [[ PETITE]] ———— [[ GiRL NeXT DooR]] —🍌🔥 😍 💎 - 22
(Costa Mesa, Anaheim-Disneyland Area-Costa Mesa)
Beautiful Blonde Amazing *Adorable* Adictive Beautif (Orange County *Visiting* in/out) - 20
I'm the BEST that (U) N-E-V-E-R had!! FULL Lips, THICK Thighs, SOFT b00ty w/ Big t!ts =>> C@LL NOW! - 22
(San Marcos, New to San Marcos Incalls/Outcalls)
Classy enough for white tie affairs... - 19
(Austin, Downtown, In town, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco)
💜💜9/11 New Asian girl in town💜💜just 19 years Old Super sexy busty Chinese 💜💜💜💖💖💖100%real picture - 20
(Anaheim, Anaheim. Orange. 5freeway&chapman;, Orange County)
(80)What are you waiting for Treat Yourself to GFEStyle Luxury with KINKYKRISTEN !TER ID:145421 - 19
(Upscale Incall/Irvine/405)
34' DD's__ SeXy~~ SMOKIN' hot BOY tOy ~~ $6o special's~~ CaLL NoW~~ !!! - 22
(Orange County, 405/ harbor $60 n call!!.. BRUNETTE)
__2 DaYs LeFt __ *PeTiTe* __{Well Reviewed} __BLuE-EyEd BLoNDe__ *Amateur PoRN☆* __~$100HHR~ _ - 21
(costa mesa incalls)
$150 $pe¢ials! NEW in TOWN *Savory $weet COLLEGE student* _(Limited Stay)) - 19
(Orange County, Orange County/Garden Grove/Anaheim)
*TaTTooEd* ~BlOnDe~ *BoMbShEll ~$pEcIaL$~ *All* ~NiGhT~OuTcAll$ OnLy - 22
(Midland / Odessa, YOUR PLACE)
SkiLL Loving 💖【sExY & SweEts】❤️【 SiMpℓy* the * BeSt* 】💜💲💲 100 Special💲💲 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa incall)
Pull My HA!R * SpanK Me * Me * I like it NA.STY - 25
(INCALLS ONLY TODAY... 🌸 *ODESSA* 🌸, Midland / Odessa)
new PIX! NO LIES! L👀K ➫ ➬ ➭ ➮___💋💋CARRERA is HERE 💋💋___ _ ☰☰☰☰ 💓 ExOTiC 💓💓 HUGE TiTTIES💓💓LaTINA BlonDE💓 ☰☰☰☰ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa Incall&outcall;💋💋🚙☎️)
💋!! SExy UnIque BeAuTy *CoLleGe gIrl **Call nOw !!* YoU woNt reGret It *** Hablo espanol 💋 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
🍀🎀 Head Game right 💦and Everything Tight 🌺 ✨70/ 80/120Specials✨😘🌷🌸 - 24
(Midland / Odessa, MidLand New Location In Call Only)
* call *The seductive symphany*I'm BaCk**Need A rEliEf•Im Ready* - 21
(Midland / Odessa, midland tx)
$120hhr__▀▀▀ ❤ OuTc@LLs ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ PrEttY ❤ ▀▀▀▀ ❤BrUnEttE❤ ▀▀▀▀ ❤Pl@yM@tE ❤ ▀▀▀▀ ❤ @v@il@bLe ❤ ▀▀▀__ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Incall outcall everywhere)
Ericka Is Back😍😝(OUTCALLS) Please Only Call When Ready 😘😍😝 - 19
(Olympia, Purdy Olympia Tacoma Shelton)
°~•• ExTrEmELy @DDiCtive PLaYMaTe! ♥♥ P®€ttYY, HOTT & T€MpTiiNg °~•• WELL REVIEWED!♥♥ - 22
(Olympia, Lacey Olympia Incall Outcall)
Full Figured & Foot Fetish Friendly! ~ 24/7 ~ All races OK ~ (40D-49-55) Thick Vanilla Shake - 29
(Killeen & surrounding areas)
Last Chance dont miss out! CoMe & GeT A SwEEt 30 treat! RATES Listed below - 38
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen)
DiD yOu MiSs mE fElLaS?¿ Mz. cHiNa'S BaCk......... and i am hot and wet !!!!!! 214-727-0190 - 19
(Yours or mine)
•★ Im HeRe OnLy FoR 2NiGhT... sexy slim and sweet treat★ - 25
(Shreveport, shreveport bossier Resident/outcall)
😘😘😘♛ ♛ [☆THE ☆ PERFECT ☆ CHOICE☆ ]♛°*°~°*° 100% REAL °*°~°*° Upscale/Private °*°~°*° READY NOW!!! - 22
(Denver, 120th and i25)
everything your looking for 100 in or out specials. 720 498 1327 - 23
(Denver, Aurora/Denver in and outs)
💕Beautiful and petite brunette Playmate. Call me 📞 - 22
(Medical Center, North Central, San Antonio)
《☆》South TX Asian Professional 《☆》 - 25
(Alamo Heights, Brownsville, Brownsville-Matamoros, Corpus Christi, Downtown, East Side, Laredo, McAllen, Midtown, North Central, North East, North West, San Antonio, South Side, Uptown, West Side)
K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗ SK¡LLz ➜ TíցհԵ & Juícվ ➜ I☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I☆ÐO ➜ SLOW ⓢⓣⓡⓞⓚⓔ and TIGHT ⓖⓡⓘⓟ ➜➋➍/➆ - 23
(In+Out SURR Cities, North West, San Antonio)
⭐ ×❤× ⭐ ___ C O M P L E T E L Y ___ ⭐ ×❤× ⭐ __ I R R E S I S T I B L E ___ ⭐ ×❤× ⭐ - 21
(San Antonio, 410 airport blvd Incalls/Outgoing also)
[[ TOP ]] ♥ [[ NOTCH]] ♥ [[ TREATMENT ]] ♥ ♥ available now. OUTCALLS - 24
(Portland, OUTCALL → All Surrounding Areas)
Ms. * Creme De La Creme * MUST SEE!!! North Houston incalls - 21
(Houston, North Houston,290, W.34st,woodland, The Woodlands)
Multi special ☢ CAUTION ☢ I`M So Good You'll Want The Recipe!! - 23